Railways Group


The object of the Southern Railways Group is to promote interest in the railways of southern England, in particular the Southern Railway, its pre-grouping constituents and post post-nationalisation successors in the following ways:

  • Collecting and disseminating information of all kinds relating to the history, engineering and operation of these railways;
  • Maintaining Registers of photographs, plans, relics, etc. in the possession of members;
  • Publishing relevant material, in particular that of interest to modellers and historians;
  • Stimulating and assisting the modelling of these railways;
  • Assisting members to meet formally and informally.


Each member receives the journal "Southern Notebook" (published bi-monthly) which includes articles, photographs and drawings relating to S.R. history and operations including items of value to modellers (An index for issues 89 to 146 of the "Southern Notebook" can be accessed via the Information Services page). In addition the Newsletter covers current Southern news and preservation notes, members' queries, model reviews and news of all group activities.
Material of more specialist interest is published in loose-leaf form so that members can select material relevant to their own interests from the several hundred data sheets available (plans, drawings articles etc): these are supplied punched for insertion into an A4 ring binder - the "S.R.G. Handbook".
The Members Information Pack, outlining all the Group's services, Handbook sheets and sales items other items, available to members at reduced prices, is sent to each member on enrolment and updated regularly.

Postal Portfolios

This schemes circulates items of Southern interest not suitable for publication in the Notebook or Handbook, such as longer articles, postcards, photographs, maps and timetables, generally in the form of photocopies.


Members may borrow by post most items from the Group Libraries of books, magazines and plans.
Additions to the Libraries are made as and when suitable items become available. The books library list can be accessed from the Information Services page


An Annual General Meeting and Convention takes place every September.


The annual subscription of £18.00 for a year (or £48 for 3 years) brings issues of the Notebook and Newsletter, and entitles you to participate in all Group activities including receipt of discounts from the SRG sales operation Overseas members are welcome, but certain facilities will necessarily be restricted.

If you wish to join the Southern Railways Group, and accept the prospectus as outlined above then you may click the link below to download an application form. This will open a new window of your web browser, from which you can print or save the form which can then be sent with the subscription to the Membership Secretary. Closing the Membership Form will return you to this page.

Membership Form

This page reviewed on 14th January 2025
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